
Copy. A daily-ish poem sequence, sequel to Issue ( Comments/Contact:

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Star is born. Life
and death. To compel
every Briton

to hold. His country's
history. Age
bracket. Singing,

blinging and gun-
slinging. Terminations
at home. Westminster

bubble. Media should
report substance. They
were soldiers. They were

soft targets.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

We think about our homes and what
they're worth. End to the crisis more
remote than ever. Food

detectives. Flag designer. Shows
of your choice. Gatecrasher. Last
words of a great. Another

bloody, politically un-
attractive conflict. The drive
will see health. Been struck.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

iconic. The other girl. The
mere sight. Making the Third

World thirsty. Squeamish.
Grooviest export. Our easy
identification of evil. 'To

be wiped out.' Shooting
an intruder. The share-
holding structure. Walter

Benjamin spotted at

Monday, July 28, 2003

The wisdom making them
public. To do so. Support
amid rumours of im-

minent exit. Unique ex-
periment. Fights, fame and
going. Retains his full

confidence. Arab world
appeared ambivalent. 'Dis-
play dead folks now.' Is this

the future of work? Discrete
whispers in the upper

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Helping tomorrow's high-
fliers. French face host-
age. Hoon summoned

by widow. Tug of
war for Raphael. Strike
threat. Until they see

the bodies. Helping to
kill the brothers. 'It was
a good gig.'

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Shot to record. A once no-
toriously Machiavellian a-
ristocratic line. Had long

been written off. Will
take revenge. You
the judge. Used to pay

for wife. Seen as
a key moment (as it
would). Death of sons.

Friday, July 25, 2003

The lookalikes are all
accounted for. Living
with Idi. Listening

to the sound
of the sun. Hails
end of regime. The last

to die. Beatific
smile, a care-
free air. Overspun.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

The sparse probation service
office. Pictures were
published. Britain's vanishing

sparrows. Plan to move
jets. Decide scope. Director's
cut (return bloody). Plea

for terror. Emerges from
a meeting. Leaking name
to press. It had been con-


Wednesday, July 23, 2003

'The timing evoked Greek
tragedy: triumph followed
by disaster.' Hero turned

troublemaker. A gentler
grilling. Beneath the beach,
the pavement. Fan walks on

to track. Gratuitous
outing. He had too many clubs
in his bag. Using a dead

man to defend itself. Ad-
mitting only a fraction
of attacks. 'Most of the country

is quiet.'

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

The essence of the forecast
change. The new short. The
complete. A human

shield. Dignified and
dutiful. Shaken to its
foundation. Fights back. Go

on, take off. Media
attacks. 'It's amazing what
man can do.'

Monday, July 21, 2003

A celebration. All
the latest. Bizarre
adventures. Ambushed

by a hanging
jury. Be my judge. All
sponsored a child. New

blow. Prepared to break
the fragile. Insisted may
finish. Retired through

injury. Widespread scepticism
about their benefits. 'Speak
the truth

to power.'

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Another watering
down. Critics likely
to seize. Conflict

waning. Inner thoughts
of the great. 'History
will forgive.' He may

eventually be proved
wrong. Can't/won't wait.
They would have to eat

their words. America's
great and good. 'Awkward
squad.' Defended his

journalism with
vigour. Toy boy.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

A report claims. Drawn
to violence. Kicked off a
European acquisition drive.

A meeting more unhappily
timed. Beaten to death
after being accused. Nations

demanding answers. Hole-
by-hole analysis. Reg-
ulate the industry and

inform. The return.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Denounce you all. End to
economic stability. Grows
on both sides. Cold cell

to hard sell. Home that Hollywood
loves. Removed from the
shortlist. She remained

at large. Centrifuge parts
found at home. Don't get

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Mount a proper defence. Under private
discussion. Expletives deleted. Echo the president's
interests. A witty echo. Japanese

ceremonial arrow. Gift he decides to hold
on to. Reviled or ridiculed. Lives forever
by helping. Foods that make a difference. Saves

face by winning the same rights. 'Out of his
depth.' 'Where I can see him.' Stalemate has become
hugely embarrassing. Police slow. Slow.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Position was expressed. Port in
a storm. 'People will be raising
their eyebrows.' Man to beat

bush. Hand back card after it
emerged. Do what he thinks
is interesting and to hell

with everything else. Washington trip
set to open new wounds. Defended
the attack. Burn every theatre.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Tour starts here. Librarians
hit back. Something much more
potent. Politics of dirt. Protect

our vines. Roots of crime. New
tools. Speculation grows. Sand-
wich is the toughest course. Tour

starts here. The brilliant
food. May yet have a miserable

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Powell demolishes Niger. Nemo
devours Matrix. Steel celebrates
the French Revolution. Clamour

engulfs. Invasion was right. Forget
weapons. Too weak to disclose. Sit them
next to girls. Too hot for America.

Its own anthem, public holiday
and motto. Introduced despite
warnings. Defied demands to quit

his own residence by midnight
last night.

Saturday, July 12, 2003

At odds with. 'Honor Bound to Defend
Freedom.' Statutory force. Back from
a coma. An article by a serving

prisoner. An argument among friends. Already knew
about his trip. Simplistic, narrow and
ineffective. Comedy sex. Compulsory

sex education. Virtually all day to a tiny
cell. The men are not British. Determined to
steal their power.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Intelligence labyrinth. Found under
a cot. 'Events that made us who
we are' - i.e. useless events. Pages

of buying & selling. 'Poorest may
be halved.' Sought significant
quantities. Received a boost. Dealt

a devastating blow. Rejected as
flawed. Intelligence labyrinth. Found
under cot.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Few sources of information. Advocates
of a cut. Leading Edge Technology. Making sure
the line was clear. Mired in personalities

and sided. Gives Hollywood its sparkle. Holy
hypocrisy! Ignored orders to stay away. Charged
the nature of crime. On defectors and on

exiles. Believed the war of words. Be-
came the focus. Yet, still, questions

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

In the aftermath nothing
is found. Another dead
journalist (16th). 'The spirit es-

capes through the nose
and mouth'. At least one child. 'A woman
lies dead': art cover porn. Is

to be stripped. 'Credibility gap.' The final
interview. Crucial to avoid a catastrophic
panic. 'Aesthetic appeasement is

in itself obscene.' 'That charge
is wrong.' Was weaponised. Questions
will be asked/shot dead.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Strategy of brinkmanship. Myths about bringing
up boys. A 'secretive military tribunal'. Devising
a process that was loaded. It does not seek

a public row. Nation building. No checks and
balances. 'Too venal and corrupt to be en-
trusted with the task themselves.' Remain

at large. Informed of the crisis since it
broke. Will of the elected House. The champions
of tomorrow. 'Could have beaten her.' His exercise

in absolute power.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Turning the corner took a heavy
blow. Househunting weapon. A deep con-
flict of interests. Orchestrating the

criticism. His gaffe could haunt. 'If we
fell short of what we believe to be acceptable
we shall say so.' Some saw as a grudging

apology. Are getting less. Never got
to grips. A bad joke? Or positive confirmation of
his death? Inside the mind of a man who


Sunday, July 06, 2003

Hastening the onset of a looming
clash. Law to sidestep. Clear because he was
smiling. 'It is absolutely typical that they have

smuggled this out in this way.' Law to
sidestep. Supercomputer model shows 35 countries
it is at odds with. Seize on it to claim

that the direst warnings are being borne
out. One way. Weather is going haywire. Human cells
used to make paralysed rats walk. Not given

to hyperbole.

Saturday, July 05, 2003

Giant is forced to join fight. Doubled in
the past. A twelvefold increase in mortality
in people. Russia buys Chelsea. Reacted with

fury. Indigenous rock art. A gun culture bearing
comparison. Forcing people to work. Blamed
for a blast. War declared over. (Falcon.) Two other

divisions. Is to cut back on the fat and
sugar. Industry is money. Worlds apart. Overhauling
range of products. Spain goes barmy.

Friday, July 04, 2003

Last of kin. The power went. Does sitting make
your back ache? Summer froth. Some of its
lost innocence. 'Done everything they can

to me.' 'I have long been puzzled.' 'We will be
first to suffer.' A new generation
of weapons. With a greater risk. Forward

bases. To build (oxymoron). Nice picture of
a candle. A vision. Calls centre court
his home. Rebels' majority. Whips last night

moved to play. 'By 2020 the lights could
go out.'

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Paint by/in numbers. Was in no
state. Only access to the secret. It is so
not over. Scope of proposed changes

to it. Most beautiful lake in the world.
A second linked trial. Attempt to
extract vengeance. Free food. 'The source

was credible.' 'Everyone could see him
self-destruct on television.' Sophistry. Too
ill to appear. Unconfirmed reporting. A new

theatre, in the heart.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

"I fear that there is so much
that is so bad and so persistent that
one can no longer allow the good

to continue to obscure the frankly
bad." "These are big issues," he
said, "the meantime all of us . . . are expecting

to see." Made clear that, despite his
softer language, he is determined to toughen
up. "This is not stress." Belief is

that cataclysm stripped. "It's very
quiet." He thought it was being thrown
in his face. "In the end, quality will out," he
