
Copy. A daily-ish poem sequence, sequel to Issue ( Comments/Contact:

Monday, January 31, 2005

Bubblegum discovered.
'Cut off
face to

spite nose.'
Voice speaks
order. A

'buzz' fills
up the
booth. Re-

structured di-
gestion. 'Hold
your head

together.' 'It
might work.'

Sunday, January 30, 2005

As much
heart 'as
the lives

of our
ancestors'. Cremated
amidst tight

security. A
third. Fur
soil. Election

as war.
Look up
to celebrities.

'Why are
you considered
to be

superior?' Cat
walk blues.
Act younger.

Behave older.
'Rambling, hand-
written &

disputed.' 'A
sorry artist's
response to

just criticism.'

Friday, January 28, 2005

Nothing fabricated
from leftover
everything. Trip

to focus.
Due to
decide. Trust

over pledge
makes stone.
Alert to

your desktop.
Brain poisoning.
Polls apart

spawn copy-
cat. Right
to be

placed in
a new

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Breaking news
announced via
tone. Dead

beat. 'Older
than thought.'
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws.
Dead beat.
'Older than

thought.' Liberation
marked by
cemetery. Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
Dead beat.
Breaking news

announced via
tone. Bears
hit again

by anti-gambling
laws. 'Older
than thought.'

Bears hit
again by
anti-gambling laws.

Dead beat.
'Older than
thought.' Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
'Older than
thought.' Dead

beat. Breaking
news announced
via tone.

Bears hit
again by
anti-gambling laws.

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws.
Breaking news
announced via

tone. Dead
beat. 'Older
than thought.'

Dead beat.
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws
'Older than
thought.' Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
Breaking news
announced via

tone. 'Older
than thought.'
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Dead beat.

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Dead beat.

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
'Older than

thought.' Bears
hit again
by anti-gambling

laws. Breaking
news announced
via tone.

Breaking news
announced via
tone. 'Older

than thought.'
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws.
Liberation marked
by cemetery.

Dead beat.
Dead beat.
'Older than

thought.' Breaking
news announced
via tone.

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
'Older than

thought.' Liberation
marked by
cemetery. Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Dead beat.

'Older than
thought.' Dead
beat. Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Liberation marked

by cemetery.
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws.
Dead beat.
Breaking news

announced via
tone. 'Older
than thought.'

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Breaking news

announced via
tone. Bears
hit again

by anti-gambling
laws. 'Older
than thought.'

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Dead beat.

'Older than
thought.' Bears
hit again

by anti-gambling
laws. Breaking
news announced

via tone.
Liberation marked
by cemetery.

Dead beat.
Breaking news
announced via

tone. Liberation
marked by
cemetery. 'Older

than thought.'
Dead beat.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
'Older than

thought.' Breaking
news announced
via tone.

Dead beat.
Liberation marked
by cemetery.

Breaking news
announced via
tone. Liberation

marked by
cemetery. Dead
beat. 'Older

than thought.'
Bears hit
again by

anti-gambling laws.
'Older than
thought.' Dead

beat. Liberation
marked by
cemetery. Bears

hit again
by anti-gambling
laws. Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Breaking news

announced via
tone. 'Older
than thought.'

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Dead beat.

Breaking news
announced via
tone. Bears

hit again
by anti-gambling
laws. Dead

beat. Liberation
marked by
cemetery. 'Older

than thought.'
'Older than
thought.' Liberation

marked by
cemetery. Bears
hit again

by anti-gambling
laws. Dead
beat. Breaking

news announced
via tone.
Dead beat.

Liberation marked
by cemetery.
Bears hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Breaking news

announced via
tone. 'Older
than thought.'

Breaking news
announced via
tone. Liberation

marked by
cemetery. Bears
hit again

by anti-gambling
laws. Dead
beat. 'Older

than thought.'
Dead cemetery.
Liberation hit

again by
anti-gambling laws.
Breaking bears

announced via
tone. 'Older
than beat.'

News marked
by thought.
Laws hit

again by
anti-gambling bears.
Beat dead.

Tone announced
by breaking
news. Cemetery

marked by
liberation. 'Thought
older than.'

'Tone thought
older.' Than
beat. Breaking

news announced
via bears.
Liberation marked

by laws.
Cemetery hit
again by

anti-gambling dead.
Dead hit
again by

breaking news.
Anti-gambling laws
announced via

thought. 'Older
than liberation.'
Cemetery beat.

Tone marked
by bears.
Dead bears.

Cemetery announced
via breaking
laws. 'Older

than liberation.'
Thought hit
again by

anti-gambling tone.
Beat marked
by news.

Dead announced
via breaking
thought. 'Than

marked by.'
Older cemetery
hit liberation.

Bears tone.
Anti-gambling laws
beat again

by news.
Beat thought.
News breaking

by liberation.
Bears announced
by marked

tone. News
hit via
laws older

than. 'Anti-gambling
cemetery dead.'
News announced.

Breaking laws
marked again
by cemetery.

'Older than
bears.' Dead
hit via

tone. Beat
anti-gambling by
thought liberation.

Breaking tone
beat older
via. 'Liberation

by by.'
Again bears
hit cemetery.

News laws.
Anti-gambling thought
marked than

dead announced.
Thought dead.
'Than beat

news.' Anti-gambling
liberation by
bears. Laws

marked older
than cemetery.
Announced by

tone via
breaking by.
Bears breaking

laws marked
via news.
Announced by

liberation than
tone. Cemetery
anti-gambling hit

dead. 'Older
beat again.'
By thought.

'Thought breaking
liberation.' News
marked by

anti-gambling tone.
Dead again.
Beat by

announced cemetery.
Bears older
again via

tone laws.
'Laws than
news.' Bears

announced. Older
via anti-gambling
news. Cemetery

breaking marked
tone again.
Hit dead

by thought
by beat.
Beat dead.

Cemetery marked
by liberation.
Laws hit

again by
anti-gambling bears.
News breaking

tone via
announced. 'Thought
than older.'

Beat bears.
'Laws older
than.' Thought

marked by
liberation. Cemetery
announced dead

hit again
via news.
Breaking anti-gambling

by tone.
'Breaking older
than.' Announced

tone. Liberation
thought via
cemetery. Hit

again by
marked laws.
Beat thought

by dead
anti-gambling news.
Liberation dead.

'Laws marked
than.' Thought
dead via

news. Beat
anti-gambling laws
by breaking

bears. Tone
announced by
older cemetery.

Dead tone.
Cemetery marked
by older

laws. Breaking
anti-gambling tone
via. 'Than

by announced.'
News beat
bears hit

thought liberation.
Announced thought
by breaking

dead. 'Tone
older than.'
News marked

by beat.
Anti-gambling liberation
again hit

via laws.
Cemetery bears.
Via laws.

'Anti-gambling thought
older.' Than
marked cemetery

dead. Announced
news hit
by bears.

Breaking liberation
by beat
tone again.

Cemetery bears
marked thought.
'Laws than

hit.' Older
news. Breaking
liberation beat

tone again.
By dead
by anti-gambling

announced via.
Older anti-gambling
laws marked.

Liberation bears.
'News breaking
tone.' Bears

hit liberation
by beat
announced. By

cemetery again
via dead.
Breaking news

via marked
dead tone.
'Announced older

than.' Thought
liberation hit
cemetery again.

Bears laws.
Beat by
anti-gambling by.

Bears hit
news via
liberation. 'Breaking

cemetry laws.'
Announced dead.
Beat older

than thought.
Marked again
by anti-gambling

by tone.
'Anti-gambling breaking
laws.' Via

tone announced
older by
beat. Than

hit again
by thought.
Dead cemetery

marked liberation.
News bears.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Wandering, slow
shame. Particularly
notable for

its breathtaking
extent. Combed
data. Cat

tops prize.
Thanks for
boosted self

esteem. Climate
technology reaches
peak: energy

under spot-
lights. Sex
ignored &

drugs. 'To
ask for

Monday, January 24, 2005

Rose as
arrested destruction,
precise yet

enigmatic: a
human situation.
'The trouble

behind her.'
The portable
defibrillator. Clearly

marked for
the first
time. A

switching off.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Douse that.
Come forward.
Attack due

for the
first time
'in the

mind'. Becoming
less. A
soap is

hoping. 'Hottest
eviction so
far.' Unruly

hair. 'Necessity,
The Tyrant's
plea.' Flee

Shopping World:
the ticked-off

Friday, January 21, 2005

Fireworks at
home. Black
gloves tingle

in the
moonlight. 'Prepare
to evacuate

soul.' New
initiatives initialed.
'If we

can avoid
it.' 24-hour
Titan. Grim

evidence. Great
moment to
admit to

'miscalculation'. The
breath of
great men


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Shoe's on
the other
foot. Slave

for a
day. Traditional
bears. Stress

the need
to visit
ashes. Named

leader. Age-
old sayings
warned. Amazing

hominid hauls.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Belly of
the beast.
A few

more images.
Who or
what. Takes

time out
for pilgrimage.
A fuzzier

future. Superjumbo
ceasefire 'on
track'. Nothing

like this,
the gross
national product.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Target was
there. A
new lease

of life
(pending). There,
across the

footlights: a
bug's face:
a plan

to shake
up children.
'We feel

human.' A
humble refusal
to back


Monday, January 17, 2005

Finally nails
the source
of defecting

TV &
animal actors.
'At least

it's all
gone.' Reformers
destroyed. Film

in support
with hair.
Lose that

prize. Prize
fight. Weeping
in gratitude.

The decision
is in
no way


Saturday, January 15, 2005

Here to
there. Full
force. Ate

your way
to a
better home.

'Check out
the Buddha!'
Raid was

work. All
its gruesome
forms. Electronically

steered pen.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Cut from
a larger
cloth. The

only one:
pour world
(summit backs

warning system)
banning from
a share.

'They are
going to
whisper it.'

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hold yr
head up.
A big

hole. 'Where
the money
goes.' It's

a fake
(with wheels).
Hung jury.

The other
owner saw
the light.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The big
wind. Video-
based drugs

blitz. A
partial election.
A criminal

justice. Built
on tidal
sands. 'Leak'

creates havoc.
Bid for
hearing tops

catchphrase pole.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Press hopes
rekindled: no
payout to

quell feud
talks. Meta-
psycho. Restricting

the mobile.
Purging rife.
Scrolling reveals

turnover. 'The
watchword is
cash.' Cut

to ribbons,
freed into
the wind.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Sloppier re:
rectitude. Sex
sponsors warfare

over rapids.
Rifts landslide.
attendant refit

scatters youths.
Hats on
trial trail

liberty. Advertised
ahead. A
head. Urge


Saturday, January 08, 2005

'If the
ground opens
should men's

mouths open
also?' Hill
delivers. 'There

has never
been a
better time.'

Made for
and/or by
babies. 'New

Republic for

Friday, January 07, 2005

The mounting
toll. Every
where. Wherever

elicits. Hang
men hanging
clothes. 'Hoping

for the
best; preparing
for the

worst.' Order
out of
design. Half

of her
face wiped

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Quick: dump
those trees!
Seedy coffee

house. Glitter
choker. Hint
(or hunt)

for gimps
everywhere. Year
of facts

annulled. Faster
than a

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

'This is
where the
bucks stop.'

Or not.
Or notable
recantation. Step

off. 'Grief
not numbing
nor leveling

off.' Worst
affected areas
red. The

other stuff:
'This is
not my

skill'. Falling
trees. Cash
condensed. 'Listening

is only
the beginning.'
Tilting towards

false honour.
Hit that

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

'Probably just
not sordid
enough.' 'Put

a pen
into their
hands.' Feel

good. The
unseen &
central performance

wilts. Cynicism
unwinds readily
in the

face of
action. Poised
to record.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Young obliterates
old. Older
models seek

the surface
bubble. England
on a

lease. 'This
is what
'Empire' means.'

A sweeping
change of
heart. An