Taught taut &
at attention, flailing
flat on special
grounds. A spectral
hound. Envision it.
Hit bottom rock.
It may not
Copy. A daily-ish poem sequence, sequel to Issue (www.robstantonissue.blogspot.com). Comments/Contact: rob_stanton77@hotmail.com
Monday, February 27, 2006
'A trap from
which you can
never escape.' A
suite that's sweet
in all important
features. 'Facts like
either/or scenarios.' They
never stay. 'Better
quality part time
business should be
encouraged.' Take seriously
the skinny saint.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Guns and 'other
significant items' brought
home from the
trek. Take on
your own 'un-
fulfilling oath'. Shifts
of syntax not
enough to stem
flood. Chips for
beets. 'I'm watching
you, shape-shifting normal
petition.' One small
step / two for
the show / three's
a crowd. Insist
on supervision. Viv-
isect your viv-
aciousness. Thanks for
the next stage.
Monday, February 20, 2006
From the people
who bought you:
Rabbi flays Church.
Church gets a
new image. Image
holds up a
mighty placard: ten
percent off. No
stranger to adversity,
no planning for
the infamous: cater
for a growing
mound. 'Some of
them are getting
hurt and killed.'
So what? / Says
who? 'There's a
balance to be
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Would have been
today. Let her
into the house,
left. Failed to
keep to his
schedule. Got on
a plane. Got
off a bold
charge. Something wasn't
right. Refused to
comment on the
rumour. The rumour
refused to comment
on him. He
relented first.
Working life in
ultrasound. Placed villain
against a strictly
black background. He
spoke up (&
stood down). Fire
fought with a
similar element. Landscape
fixture of park.
Perk up yr
workload. Payload. He
stood up &
spoke down. A
car in her
lap. Cure overdose
cartoon riot. Followed
by a buffet,
by a bullet.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Withdrawn from life
classes. The regular
display of body
parts distasteful to
your higher purpose.
Your hire purchase
scheme for weekly
and/or daily substance
backfires. In and
out again so
fast. 'So on
and so forth.'