Own waste best waste. Stuff
no fortune-teller
could predict. Set in stone and writ
in water, water-baby. Buzzards gather
in large number,
say, 4567. Say it.
Factions clash as factions do.
Emotive hope, hot topics fail to set
light. Lie and be done with it,
Copy. A daily-ish poem sequence, sequel to Issue (www.robstantonissue.blogspot.com). Comments/Contact: rob_stanton77@hotmail.com
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sincere wind-up corrupts the
reason to. The motivating force
is not enough. Can we be confident
and still be here? The
lungworm and the heartworm
duel it out, the best
in every breed. Amid the
clues to flaws a double
entry: listen to the smoke. It